  • 04-01

    How to transport low temperature drugs

    In some not very hot months, you can use normal temperature transportation, no more than three days, but the storage should be in low temperature. Pay attention to the following points during transportation:Temperature control during loading and unloadingThe temperature drop of drugs is in the process of loading and unloading, so the drug loading money must keep the cold circulation space before and after loading. The vehicle shall be refrigerated before loading medicine to prevent excessive temperature change.Temperature retention in transitThe temperature control of drugs during transportation is also very important. Before departure, check whether the relevant equipment is in good condition. At the time of delivery, try to reduce the number of unloading, the number of opening doors, and the time of opening doors to prevent hot gas from entering.Temperature recording and real-time trackingThe key link of drug cold chain management is the temperature record and real-time tracking in the transportation process. Temperature record and real-time tracking are the basis of quality during drug delivery.
  • 04-01

    Difference between consignment and logistics

    Consignment is a form of logistics. Consignment is generally a small amount of common goods, do not provide door-to-door pick-up services, and when the goods arrive at the destination, they also need to pick up their own goods. Logistics is generally a large volume of goods, at a very low cost, from the origin to the destination.
  • 04-01

    New "air outlet" of cold chain transportation industry

    This year is the first year of China's 13th five year plan and the key year to implement the medium and long term plan for the development of logistics industry. With the adjustment and transformation of China's economic structure, the logistics industry will become a new growth point of commercial vehicle market sales, while cold chain transportation and pure electric logistics vehicles mainly aimed at urban light logistics will be the top priority.In the urban logistics system, the urban light logistics and house distribution, which are mainly represented by supermarket distribution, e-commerce express delivery and other formats, are getting more and more attention. These services are closely related to the life of urban residents, and the demand for distribution vehicles is different from other logistics businesses, while pure electric logistics vehicles meet the three characteristics of light logistics, light and small, flexible and highly specialized. At the same time, with the improvement of people's quality of life, China's cold chain distribution industry has entered a high-speed development period, and the demand for high-end models is growing. This logistics market segment also has the characteristics of light logistics of small batch and multi frequency. In a sense, these two markets are the inevitable beneficiaries of China's economic transformation from investment and export-oriented to consumption oriented. As long as the people's livelihood economy becomes better, its development driving forces will continue. According to the calculation of nearly 50000 domestic new energy logistics vehicles in 2015, the industry estimates that if the new energy penetration rate of logistics vehicles can gradually reach 40%, the production and sales volume will reach 350000 by 2020. This broad market prospect has attracted many domestic vehicle enterprises to accelerate the layout in the field of new energy logistics vehicles.At present, the mainstream large-scale automobile enterprises are just beginning to make efforts in the field of electric logistics vehicles and cold chain transportation. However, with the expansion and maturity of the market, the mainstream automobile enterprises are bound to invest more resources and energy. It may not be too long for the blue sea to change into the Red Sea. Under the encouragement and support of Dongfeng policy and the stimulation of growing market demand, the production and sales of pure electric logistics vehicles and cold chain transport vehicles will continue to grow at a high speed.
  • 04-01

    How to store pharmaceutical logistics

    To solve the problem of how to store medicine logistics, Shanghai logistics transportation company has something to say. While improving the logistics and warehousing service of medicine, it also needs to carry out activities such as delivery, transfer and handover in strict accordance with the principle of maintaining low temperature and constant temperature. Only in this way can we meet the requirements of refrigeration without breaking the chain.
  • 04-01

    What are the requirements for road freight equipment?

    The development of highway freight equipment must meet the requirements of highway freight development, vigorously promote the specialization, * *, standardization and informatization of transportation equipment, further improve the safety and adaptability of transportation equipment, and meet the requirements of advanced transportation organization technology.
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