How to transport low temperature drugs

In some not very hot months, you can use normal temperature transportation, no more than three days, but the storage should be in low temperature. Pay attention to the following points during transportation:

Temperature control during loading and unloading

The temperature drop of drugs is in the process of loading and unloading, so the drug loading money must keep the cold circulation space before and after loading. The vehicle shall be refrigerated before loading medicine to prevent excessive temperature change.

Temperature retention in transit

The temperature control of drugs during transportation is also very important. Before departure, check whether the relevant equipment is in good condition. At the time of delivery, try to reduce the number of unloading, the number of opening doors, and the time of opening doors to prevent hot gas from entering.

Temperature recording and real-time tracking

The key link of drug cold chain management is the temperature record and real-time tracking in the transportation process. Temperature record and real-time tracking are the basis of quality during drug delivery.

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